When Hockey and Art Combine
Seems that Anaheim Ducks legendary Finnish winger, Teemu Selanne has been inspiring creative juices recently, as 22 year artist Timo Ranto has made a Lego mosaic of the 'Finnish Flash'! This 5 ft 8 piece took over 10,000 pieces of Lego to assemble and the result you would have to say is pretty darn impressive! Check out the video below
Selanne retired last season as the highest scoring Finn in NHL history with 684 goals and 1,457 points in 1,451 games. His number 8 jersey is to be retired by Anaheim later in this upcoming season.
Selanne retired last season as the highest scoring Finn in NHL history with 684 goals and 1,457 points in 1,451 games. His number 8 jersey is to be retired by Anaheim later in this upcoming season.
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