Is There Time For Tebow?

Normally I wouldn't blog about the NFL or go within a mile of its stats or play, but it seems this week I shall be breaking an age old tradition! It's football time again, and as another season starts without Tim Tebow, is there a place in the NFL for the former Heisman trophy winner?

Ah yes, that man! Tim Tebow has gained many column inches for his beliefs and actions rather than his play on the field. The former quarterback for the Denver Broncos, New York Jets and more recently the New England Patriots was once the poster boy for college football and many expected him to raise his game early. But less than four years in, his pro career has basically washed out and he now turns to TV punditry to keep him in the public eye!

So does he deserve a place among the NFL elite?  Well it has been noted that the QB class for 2014 is worryingly thin on the ground and many teams could well look towards a guy with over 2,422 passing yards, 17 touchdowns and 989 rushing yards. But its his "all in" offensive style that has divided critics on his capability and Tebow has struggled to read defenses during his time in the big leagues which had lead to trouble with his accuracy.  Tim has stated that he has been improving on his passing skills and feels ready to returns, but many will feel that he has already had his shot already!

Plus one thing to consider with this man, is the media circus that will inevitably follow with any team that includes him, 'Tebowing' may have become a popular move among fans, but his statements on the field such as painting biblical quotations on his face caused plenty of headaches for former coaches. In conclusion, Tebow could prove to be an interesting inclusion for any team as many will want to see him proving his critics wrong, but just as many will feel that his time has passed and he should sit away from the field rather than on it.

Tim the rest is up to you now buddy! Good luck from both of us here!


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