Question Time: The Wayne Gretzky Trophy

We can all admit that it's a bit of a slow news week in the NHL. The most interesting thing to happen was that Giroux was sidelined by a freak golf club accident. Then Bleacher Report's James Onusko raised the question about introducing the Wayne Gretzky award.

We then decided that a point/counterpoint argument was required. Alex drew the short straw (because it was my idea) and will talk to you about why it's a bad idea. Meanwhile I'll praise the idea of a Wayne Gretzky award.

Mike's Reasons For:

Gretzky is a legend.

OK now that's established, let's look at the other reasons why the NHL should bring this award in. Ice hockey is a team game. A lot of the current awards reflect outstanding individual performance, which is great but almost every great goal comes from a great assist. Gretzky got 1,963 assists in his career. A record never bested. Ron Francis is second highest and his total is over 700 less than The Great One. 

Behind every great goal is a great assist (almost) and this is something to be celebrated as it's the ultimate selfless act. Most people will remember Mats Sundin's game winner against the Flyers in the playoffs but can anyone remember who got the assist?

The Gretzky Award embodies all that is good about teamwork and selflessness in ice hockey. That's why it should be introduced. 

Alex's Reasons Against:
Ok Wayne Gretzky is more than just an NHL Legend- he's basically a modern day God in the Hockey world and holds over 60 records that will never be broken- so with this constant glory- why the hell does he need a trophy named after him? It has been recently speculated recently the long time named, Art Ross Trophy will be rebranded as the 'Wayne Gretzky Trophy' which annually rewards the player with the most points of the season. I simply don't see the need for renaming this award since it was been a cornerstone of Hockey for decades now and most fans will want to see this happen- simply to see Wayne hand this out at the award ceremony.

How about renaming after one of the lesser mentioned greats of years gone such as Gordie 'Mr Hockey' Howe or Bobby Orr? These guys were ones who inspired Gretzky to greatness and it would be nice to see the league honour some of its most loved figures like it did with the Rocket Richard Scoring Trophy. Also lest we forget- Gretzky already has a trophy named after him in the OHL, which is the 'Wayne Gretzky 99 Trophy' which is awarded to the MVP of the playoffs, so isn't two a bit much? Surprised they haven't tried to rename the Hart Trophy after him?

So to summarize: like many I consider Gretzky to be one of the true greats, but with his idol status firmly cemented, there is no need to tamper with established awards to give him even more recognition. NHL should leave this award where it is and put this idea back in the box! Anyway that is my two cents on the matter...


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